Saturday, 10 October 2009


The persons or events in this work are Fictitious. No similarity to actual persons or predators, living or dead, is intended or should be inferred.

In this work, I attempt to divulge things Women do, intentionally or unintentionally, among others.

“Women speak two languages - one of which is verbal.” ~William Shakespeare

Well, these are the words of Shakespeare himself! And the meaning is pretty clear!
How many times has any “Man” experienced a “Woman” breaking a queue? Be it at a cinema or in college? I’m sure every “man” has experienced that at least once. It so happened with me yet again! I was in a lengthy queue at the post office. I’d been waiting for around 45 minutes, and was finally 4th from the counterJ, when a woman (quite good-looking) came up to the Man standing in front of me and said “Hey could you please post this for me, I am in a hurry!!”.I was bewildered! I began to think, “Does this woman think that all of us, “queue people”, are jobless and like standing in the queue?” Surely not! Just as the very humble and simple man could answer, Thank Lord, a wise old “Man” standing behind me replied, “We all are in a hurry, but like everybody else, we have been waiting in the queue to get our turn!” Her look was a one to see at that time!!
But the question is why she asked that poor simple fellow!? Well, the answer is simple! “Easy prey”! The sweet smile being the potent weapon! Someone precisely put it in words:

“The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.”

Women are indifferent not only to men but to their fellow beings too! Let me bear this out by considering a scenario. There is a classroom with people from both the sexes. Now a beautiful woman walks in. Now let me make that even better, she is making an excellent fashion statement. Top that, ladies! There is no doubt that she will get ogled upon by “men” but what is weird that even “women” stare at her. They don’t like the fact that another woman can be more beautiful or more fashionable than her. They just can’t take it! They become upset as “men” no longer look at them and they are no longer the centre of attraction.

“It upsets women to be, or not to be, stared at hungrily.” ~Mignon McLaughlin,
“Women dress alike all over the world: they dress to be annoying to other women.” ~Elsa Schiaparelli

Now consider the example of the Slumdog Millionaire fame, Freida Pinto. Till now, I haven’t met even a single female who likes her or at least doesn’t HATE her. Poor thing! She is what you associate how a typical Indian homely girl would look like, a bit dark and sweet J But NO!! Women just hate her so much. They’re always criticising her looks and cribbing about her grabbing top notch brands like L’Oreal! This confirms that women just can’t see their fellow sex get successful. Jealousy, envy my friends!

“I'm tough, I'm ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay.” ~Madonna
“Envy is the art of counting the other fellow's blessings instead of your own.” ~Harold Coffin

And then there is shopping! Women just can’t get enough of it! A new dress everyday if they’d had their way. It is only after the institution called marriage that they seem to change, and I think the credit goes to “The Man”.
“You’re the Man!!”

Shopping is one thing but telling about it to ALL her friends is another.
“Hey I bought these awesome high heels.”; “hey did you see my new black dress”; “I bought a Louis Vuitton bag!!”; “What about the fluorescent t-shirt” “And how about the pink socks” Oh God stop! At least spare men! On hearing all this, other women get equally excited as the “story teller”; they get what you call a “vicarious” experience! But the thing is, on the inside they get freaking jealous and whenever they get the chance they go out and try to out buy the other woman. And then tell her about the same. And even tell men about it.

Blabbering comes naturally to every woman on the planet! They just don’t seem to stop! They’re the ones paying the heftiest of phone bills! See the Aircel TV advt. for example! (The one in which a young lady keeps blabbering and the poor guy doesn’t even get to speak in the whole commercial)

Possessive, Overprotective! Yes they are! The “Boyfriends” always get this. Each and every day! Why? Perhaps, they know what other fellow women are capable of! It is not just limited to their “boyfriends”, but extends to their friends who are girls “Why do you talk to her? I don’t like her! Stop talking to her!!”; “Why didn’t you tell me before? How could you?”

“All men are the same”; “All of them are dogs!” They’re always complaining. Well, lady get a grip of yourself! It is just that we all think alike! J And let me tell you that the guy you’re with, does exactly what other men do! So don’t say that “my guy” is different!! And I’m not talking about cheating or anything! We just look at “other” women. We can never shy away from looking at the kind described as under:

“She wore a short skirt and a tight sweater and her figure described a set of parabolas that could cause cardiac arrest in a yak.” ~Woody Allen

One more thing which the women cannot do is: DRIVE! They’re crazy behind the wheel. Some people say “young boys” drive rash! Well, I got news for them! Look at the “young girls” or rather any “women” for that matter. How many times has it happened, that somebody in a car, who was ahead of you, was driving insanely, either too rash or too slow or right in the middle of the road, and she turned out to be a woman? Hahahah.. You see the truth?

I don’t know why, but women don’t like THE GODFATHER!!! How can somebody not like The Godfather! That just amazes me! Blame it to weird choice or weird species!

“Sicilian women are as dangerous as shotguns” ~ Don Vito Corleone

Indeed, they are, Godfather!

Some quotes worth mentioning!

“You start out happy that you have no hips or boobs. All of a sudden you get them, and it feels sloppy. Then just when you start liking them, they start drooping.” ~Cindy Crawford

“Men get laid, but women get screwed.” ~Quentin Crisp


  1. hard for me to say this, but its so very true..

  2. well well... this is what i was expecting.. and thats the "typical" description of a woman...

  3. Dude its like....Got into my head n wrote all o dis...n not just mine...I'm sure every guy'd say dat twas THAPPA who finally gave words to their thoughts....The best part being..Its not a "Realization" for da "Women" as even they'd agree to every single word of it like all "Men" shall....Great work Brother...Great work

  4. Thank you! :) And Sheta kudos for accepting it! Unlike some other Women!

  5. I like it very much.Everything you wrote is totally truth,but I would add some nice words about women:

    It’s funny how a woman does so much
    There’s nothin’ she won’t do when she trusts you
    She will let you in
    She will lift you up
    She will take good good care of you
    Have you on your knees poppin’ question
    That’s when you become her protection
    But if you lose trust
    Soon she’ll be out
    That’s when it all falls apart

  6. great work!! keep it up!! :)

  7. ohh my god....u laid it all out man....awsum..sheerly awsum...and u are right ..we men do think i could not distinguish at a point whether these were my thoughts or your's...:) .. am skeptical whether this blog will have woman followers now :p

    but seriously ..whats wrong with godfather..its simply amazing but "girls" have never even heard of it...:)

    I would also like to share my little idea....if a guy likes a girl, the girl knows evrything but pretends that she knows nothing and will never initiate anything... waiting for guy to make the "initiation" ...i cant figure that out why??..:)

  8. A woman.. is an enigma claiming to be clear as crystal.. a mystery that has to be fathomed a thousand times.. and yielding a different darkness each time round..
    And yet she's also some concept of reality twisted to a mobius strip.. where reality bends and turns upon itself to confound the minds of the simple folk.

    This blog entry isn't a tirade.. it's quite the opposite.. It can be construed as "their" victory in a battle that never was.. This entry is a salute to the courageous martyrs to the cause of chivalry..

    P.S: Take it in part jest.. My faculties are a-floating-away...

  9. tht was awesome man, every word of it true, Bravo.

  10. Thats really good observation. and a fun article!!! keem em coming :)

  11. great work man!.. i specially liked d part of chicks gettin d "attention seekers" tag.. wel all of us wud agree al d gals r hardwired into being "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder".. lol.. n e way!.. women being bad drivers.. spot on.. amen on dt mate!.. i rarely let my girl drive me around.. n e way!.. keep up d gud work boi..

  12. good work varun..very inspiring...though i don't really know whether to say "bravo"...!!! or get really offended...
    n ya it sure seems like u got inside gaurav's mind n wrote this..:)!!!
    maybe i should write a blog bout guys soon..!!
    anyways keep up the writin..:)

  13. very funny.........I thoroughly enjoyed it :)

  14. haha...well said but i love the Godfather series....n m not insanely jealous or even a little jealous of other women..infact i appreciate their beauty wid other men! lol..

  15. very good job on da blog thappa...excellent...i enjoyed it immensely....n to all women who say they r equal,,,this jus proved u wrong...cos no woman could ever rite like this

  16. nice blog mate..i agree with evrythin..rite more of such pleases us men who only get pleasure from such blogs..even though not in real life...

  17. too good man.. i soo sooo agree with the DRIVE thing.. WOMEN cant PARK cars.. + they cant drive in reverse gear :P !!..
    i know am a male chauvinist.. hell i dont care.. great bolg bhaii.. \m/ ..


  18. ok..ur first point about women breaking, the sweet smile is not the only weapon..u see, most men fall for the “booby” whats wrong in making full use of God's gift?? moreso if its working in our advantage??

    About not liking someone more beautiful or stylish than us, its the same with guys as well...everytime girls say something nice about the college football star, guys play their cards even more carefully than girls. So while girls come up with a spontaneous, “she's ok. She's not that good looking. Besides, shes a bit fat”, guys are more careful about what they say and go like, “the guys a jerk/ overrated/ is two timing/ not nice as he seems” knowing full well that these are the few qualities girls absolutely hate in boys. While girls hate not being the centre of attention, guys hate it when girls “idolise” a certain guy..instead, they like creating their own idols..which in the language of the layman we call “a man's man”. Thats precisely why guys love Jim Carrey (girls dont like him much), n hate George Clooney.

    About Frieda Pinto, its not like we hate her..its just that we think its unfair that one girl (that too, average looking) has got way more than her fair share of luck and fame..its like Tusshar Kapoor becoming world like her because she's the quintessential homely, docile, subdued girl..

    Coming to shopping..seriously, i know several guys who are bigger shopaholics and twice as vain..digressing a bit, whats with men and their obsession with their hair????

    Girls are cute when they're possessive..when they say, “who was that? Why were u talking to her?” It translates into, “u can talk to other girls. However, u must have no physical contact with her. Not even as much as a hug. Mention me atleast once in ur conversation with her. Once ur done talking to her, please tell me u love me n cant look beyond me. N yea, say something bad or bitchy about her that will make me look better than her”.
    Guy's, however, take possesiveness to a whole new level. Sometimes marginally psychotic. “why were u talking to ur ex? Till what extent have u gone with him? What did u see in him?” aarrrrgghhhh!

    About women hating the fact that men “look” (stripping a women naked in the mind's eye) at other girls, its justified..picture this..we're out on a date..all decked up..glossy lips, kohl lined eyes, high heels, the works...all this just for the guy...we're sipping coffee, laughing at the guys jokes (sometimes not even funny), taking active part in the conversation (for the most part inane), playing with our hair, trying hard to stifle a yawn..we're going to great lenghts in order to find something interesting/nice about the guy..enter Ms slutty (not even half as good looking as you but thrice as scantily dressed) and BAM! Suddenly, shes the cynosure of his eyes..seriously, if u'll wana look at other girls while out with some girl, u'll may as well slap her physically..coz thats how it feels when u'll notice other girls!!!

    About being rash drivers, one thing u must know about women is that they drive rash because they're always in a hurry..its a kind of preadaptation thats developed over the ages..right from ancient times, women have been handling a major brunt of the housework..hunting, cooking, feeding, looking after husbands and children..n now we even have to educate ourselves, earn money while fulfilling other expectations..throw in hormonal imbalances and our lives get even still blame us for being rash drivers???

    The Godfather..i love that book..infact, ive even read the last don and omerta as well.. done..

  19. @ Ms. Kavita-
    First of all, kudos for the scathing remarks! I Like! Thank you again!

    1) "Booby trap"- Well some of you can use them and some cannot! So your very first argument is at fault! Its not that only Booby girls do what I talked about! Every girl does it, whether booby or no booby is all together a different matter!

    2) Jim Carrey is a far better actor than George Clooney! George Clooney is perhaps one the best looking men, if not the best! That is the opinion!

    3)We dont like Ms. Pinto because she is docile, simple, or whatever. We dont consider her "beautiful" as such! We've just accepted that she was indeed very lucky if not the luckiest! We are supporting her as she's an Indian! And not criticizing her for anything she does! And I dont know about you, but I am extremely proud of any Indian who makes a name worldwide! Apart from this, I've heard girls saying, "the b***h used to wear "Osho Chappals" and now the w***e wears Jimmy Choos, What the F***"! Take inspiration from her and not just hate her without even knowing her! Be proud!

    4)Well, almost all girls are possessive, but not every guy! Girls just cant take it, even if the "bf" spends more time with his guy buddies, rather than her, leave alone females!

    5)If the guy lets you notice him checking out some other hottie,(apart from yourself!) well, he's a douche! I think you should slap him! And dont tell me women dont check out men? They always interested in the back side!

    6)Thats not even close to an excuse for Rash driving! Ha.. Next!

    7)Good! You're the 7th woman!( who likes The Godfather)

    P.S.- Your command over literature is good! Nice! You're good!

    Thank you!

  20. My gratitude to all those who have shown their appreciation over here by commenting! I really appreciate that! Your responses just inspire me to write more!

    Thank you again!

  21. Thappa very true
    its what all the 'men' really think and wish the girls could behave a little less girly.........
    yaar but about being shopoholic i have not seen anyone like dhuper, i mean he beats them all :)
    a great blog man......eagerly waiting for your next blog
    keep it up

  22. I should probably get mad at a post like this being some sort of feminist myself and being proud enough as to say that i'm not like that!!..but i reckon there are women that are so much worst than the ones described there!!!

  23. knew that you had some talent but of this kind...seriously man,u rock..
    things u've mentioned r so true...i felt that if i had a chance or talent,for that matter(to write like this),i would have written similar,if not the same...
    nakki kar diya bhaaiii....!!!

    those who say
    "empty mind is a devil's workshop"
    i say,come read this.....(don't mind,man.i know you won't)...

    never have been so proud of you,bro...
    mera first ROOM-MATE hai baaiii...lolz..!!
    looking forward for next blog of urs...

    waise "bliss is it in that we are,
    but to be part of DCE 2k5-2k9 batch was very heaven"...!!
    proud of the batch esp. the group of ours....!


  24. +1 every figgin thing...women are strange creatures but i love them nonetheless :)
    These random strands are pretty awsm thapa...keep 'em coming!

  25. The ppl and events in the work are fictitious... ya washing ur hands off lyk its no one's business...
    ur fictitious wrk came across as a lil condescending and cynical in the stil made a gud read...u do knw a lot abt the fairer stil u hav a long way to go till u figure them out...dere is a lot to learn....
    i dnt agree wid most f wat u hav written ( itz lyk a grp discussion hangover...) bt i will save that thought...
    bt ya.. i am a reckless driver....n most women in my family are no bttr... so kudos..u got dat rite, if i talk abt myself...

  26. 1) Men like all walking things with boobs. However, lets for a second consider that what u say about women breaking queues is true! Fine! Its just an advantage we have! Just the way guys have an advantage when it comes to chasing girls. What i mean is, when a guy is a woman fan, he's called a casanova. And when a girl is guy crazy, shes called by a way more deprecating term - slut. See? God has created a balance between the sexes.

    2)Jim Carrey is obnoxious. If u disagree, go watch Bruce Almighty. And George Clooney was superb in Ocean's Eleven. And he made a pretty good Batman too.

    3)Frieda Pinto made a few fleeting appearances in the film. In my opinion, that doesnt count as a stellar performance. So when u say “be proud”, im forced to ask, “of/for what??”

    4)A lesser known fact about girls is that they need space in a relationship just as much as guys do. So no, we dont hate it when hes out with the guys. Infact, it gives the opportunity to watch that much talked about chick flick. He does his thing, we do ours. Works well for both parties.

    5)Going by ur definition of “douche”, most of the guys ive met are douches. (note for the guys ive dated : calm down! I said “most” not “all”) sure, we notice men. But not to the extent that we lose focus!

    6)a preadaptation is like genetic predisposition. For eg, fat people tend to stay fat no matter how little they eat or how hard they train. Its coz its not in their control. Im just drawing an analogy. So a preadaptation to hurry translates into “rash” when related to driving.


    PS – I'm accepting ur compliment and throwing it back.

  27. Very interesting analysis . Ok now read mine patiently…

    Breaking queues – Just one example- u mst have seen some men (only the ones with a pathetic civic sense )..pissing on the roadside rgt ? Have u evr seen a woman do this ?? A short cut for one person isn’t necessarily a short cut for the opposite sex !By saying im not trying to justify jumping queues and ha aha definitely not pissing on roads ! Bt a man woman debate is not applicable here. Taking shortcuts is embedded in HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY

    Yes ur right Women in a room look at another good looking woman.It can be jealousy or it can be mere curiosity. It’s subconscious. Ask Darwin why we evolved ? Competition. Sports for example also thrives on our inherent tendency to prove that we r better. Everyone feels jealous or insecure at some point or the other its not just confined to women !

    Shopping - women like to splurge on clothes or accessories n men like to splurge on cars or gadgets! Don’t tell me they don’t boast about it..

    Being possessive - depends on the situation totally I have seen super possessive men too ...n Who on earth says lines like “why do you TALK to her ?" that’s an extreme situation ! In fact it’s perfectly normal for guys to look at other girls (giving guys a benefit of doubt that they are biologically tuned that way) But do it in a DIGNIFIED way !
    You see women have a sixth sense. If a guy is looking at another girl she or ANY girl can easily make out whether its a “plain harmless look” or something else .2-3 seconds – means looking , 4-5 secs- giving another girl attention ( ready for electrocution ? ) 5-6 – you are practically sticking you tongue out like a dog ( GOD save the DOG !!! ) 6-7 ..Drooling (RUN for your life !!! ) 7.001 seconds – in a pool of saliva ( Amen ! )

    And complaining ?? Ok picture this ..
    Praise another guy in front of a guy. His reaction is “Hmm ..mmm” with a typical straight face. Fine , good for a while and then let me introduce to you “the quintessential male ego” The grudges just keep piling ! Till one day when it all blows out of control and then you simply don’t understand WHAT went wrong!
    Being verbal on the spot is ten times better than holding grudges for 20 million centuries and then one day LASHING it out !

    Driving – Honestly. I don’t know how to drive. Fine (now don’t go smirking "see see i told you !!" or ticking +1 in your notebook )
    Some men cross the line from being chivalrous to condescending .Oh wait I’l open the door for you ! (Ok .That’s good manners)..Oh wait i should lift her bags coz poor thing she cant (?? ok but that’s not really required I just have one small bag)..oh thats a girl driving ! No wonder she is too rash or slow…” (chauvinism !) They will say anything to prove their point because driving has been a male domain since ages.
    The problem is it has been hammered into men’s heads right from cartoons to films that they are supposed to protect the “docile damsels in distress”. But the reality is that we don’t need your unsolicited help! If we do we will ask for it.Finally. If we try doing something on our own (especially in “their” domain ! ) their male ego can’t lump it.They think either something is wrong with them or it’s an infringement on their territory!Please explain why men never ask for directions if they are lost on a road ? EGO .. ha ha ha grow up.

    Blabbering - hmm yeah women are more verbal about their feelings honestly this is one quality I like about guys .They can keep it to themselves (more or less) but just imagine if the whole world was so reticent then life would be so boring. A balance helps.
    Just think ! you had all these theories on women in your head but articulating it has made all this all the more interesting !! ha ha..;) bet you agree ..

  28. Okay I haven’t seen the Godfather .Is that some measuring tool for being intelligent? Then I’ll say go watch Satyajit Ray films or watch Alfred Hitchcock. “Coz I think that is what is cinema in its classic form” Or watch Sex and the city ! “Because I like watching it. Oh ! you don’t watch it ? You are a weird species ! Oh poor you” ..Hahahaha I can faff any theory. This is too subjective :)!

    Slumdog - I agree with you. Till the time they represent the country in a dignified way its perfectly ok that they get attention for the FILM. But Frieda Pinto is lucky and that is it !! I wont be convinced if I see her endorsing Loreal...lucky people cant be iconic.

    N abt the "all men are dogs" n the complaining bit - Yeah ! some men ARE dogs ! No rational “human like” thinking whatsoever. Its so easy for the women to lure them entice them tempt them wtevr..
    When women say all men r dogs n their guy is different.I think its a compliment n it means "I like his individuality or I like the fact that he is himself !" or may be she is just trying to convince herself that her guy is a loyal dog after all !
    I have seen how guys even stop respecting girls or start taking them for granted if a girl expresses her feelings first or worse still when they have her attention safely in place.They think girls are like a "challenge" or another game to be "conquered" ..and once she starts liking him challenge over round two.Ha ! like Mario ! winning over his princess .. and then why play Mario ? It’s boring ..lets play Road Rash (another girl waiting in the end ) !
    So now the princess has to chase mario. Then suddenly everything that was adorable about this girl turns irritating ! Well. At least a girl tries convincing herself that her "bf" is different. But guys go one step further in labelling them as plain irritating /boring /nagging/ embarrassing. Gosh ! please don’t run after them in first place then (well of course this doesn’t apply to all relationships...)

    Ok well I think I have made my point ;) .. yeah sorry for being so verbose !
    I appreciate one thing abt this write up that its a very thought provoking analysis on women n it needs guts to write this ;) I wouldn’t have spent so much time writing all this if it hadn’t invoked sum sort of a rebel in me .. n this blog did that ! u sure know a lot abt psychology .. grt wrk keep going ;)

  29. lol lol
    very true!! this one is a masterpiece.. it will be taught to young boys for generations to come....
    excellent research man!

  30. Bawa!!! I cn aclty c u sayin ol dese words in front of me instd me readin it..Bravo..gud one man..plz make as many as gals to read it..n i cn also smell all ur frustation goin in it:)
    it ws a delight to read it..hope many more scintalatin performances yet to cm.. n sory fr delay d delay in response.. gr8 goin boy!!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. g8 work dude,i never had idea that your such a talented writer.keep it up

  33. nice one :)
    I agree(not to all that you have written though!)... I sent the link to all my girl-friends!

    Kudos!! Happy blogging!!

  34. Yawn...another controversial blog! :P
    I'll just tell ya, men are as mysterious to us, the fairer sex as women to you.
    And I think the enigma should let be, coz thats the wonderment, the alluring factor. ain't it? ;)

    Try as hard you may, girls shall inherit the earth!! \m/ :P

    PS: a lighter template would be better no? this one takes an aweful lotta time to load and I am not even on reliance net.

  35. Good stress buster. Are you by any chance preparing for any entrance exam? Coz the last time I was preparing for an exam I used to write such provocating thoughts.
    1)We break the queue. Yah we do, but at least we don't break traffic signals. The govt. constructs dividers in between the roads and guess who breaks them. Its (ahem) the guys. So I guess breaking q is better than breaking the law.

    2) We don't always look at other females with jealousy. It also carries other adjectives like "great hair", or "great complexion". But forget it, you just can't think out of the box.

    3) Why is there so much over Freida Pinto? She got plain lucky, so can we like move on?

    4)Shopping..hmm... have male brands gone extinct. Well going by your thoughts it looks like you just have 1 pair of jeans and a T shirt... eeww...

    5)Well guys are a total sucker when it comes to expressing or communicating. They are either sarcastic or quite. At least we think out loud.

    6)I don't use the phrase "Men are dogs". coz that makes me a bitch then...

    7)Women drive rashly..hmm.. So why is that only male drivers die?

    8) I have always loved Godfather. I still remember watching it sitting with my dad and bonding for the first time. So please don't be judgemental.

    Well, sweety rather than being an optimistic why don't you ease out a bit, loosen your male ego and try and understand that we are the way we are and it is going to stay the same.... Adios!!

  36. @Min de

    Hahahha.. Did you read today's PT? :P

    Ya you admit! Breaking is breaking! Don't be prejudiced now!

    You do get jealous with other women! Now don't lie! And how is that remotely related to thinking out of the box?

    Girls driving sucks! We may me rash! But you stop in the middle of the road to take a call! :D

    Well I dont have any ego of any sorts! O:-)
    Not even the "male ego" This blog is just written for humour with an acerbic tone! And not to cause distress! So chill! :) And I know exactly how men and women are! I know where the imperfections lie I just highlighted a few!

  37. Well, well. There is a saying in Hindi "So sonar ki ek lohar ki". Guys belong to the latter half. Breaking a q doesnt cause harm, it just causes irritation. But breaking traffic often causes death.

    Jealousy is closely linked to admiration. It depends on how the opposite person takes it. I am a girl and I can vouch that in today's scenario, we have better things in life than to sit and get jealous of other women. I personally believe in "Live & Let Live", and if there are women who are of the jealous types then they are those who either have loss clothes in their closet or less attitude in their self and they should be made extinct from the surface of the world.

    Good to know that you don't have any sorts of ego. Honestly, you are the first guy I have met who doesn't have an ego and I am not at all being sarcastic when I am saying this... Hahahaha....

    Do you by any chance follow Christian Carter because you seem to know a lot about everything!!
    Hey, I know this blog is written in good humor. And I just felt like expressing what I felt. It is seriously not to cause any sort of rift. I was just thinking out loud!

  38. Who is christian carter? and why do you feel i follow him?

  39. Spot ON...

    Seems that you have been the Sufferer since ages...

    But, you have hit the Bull's eye!!

  40. seems u have done a nice study on species (For Guys) called WOMEN.... :) i shud nt say bt u r quite true on loads of things.... bt dont u think u shud do some study on GUYS too n enlighten us with there traits also... :) bt gud one... keep rocking dude... :)
